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Special Project Service is a customized service that ERIF is to engage in the project planning and development from the beginning, to assist in identifying potential risks associated with the project-related stakeholders and various process throughout the project, and to provide appropriate risk management and insurance arrangements so that the customers can manage and control the project more efficiently.


ERIF has practical experiences in such projects, the main areas of services are:

1. Participate in project start-up and planning

2. Assist in communication and coordination with banks regarding insurance and risks

3. Assist in risk identification with and among other stakeholders and countermeasure integration

4. Through various process analysis in the project to assist in identifying and evaluating potential risks and integrating proper countermeasures

5. Assist in monitoring progress of activities being taken in response to potential risks

6. Assist in design and arrangement of insurance clauses

7. Assist in monitoring reinsurance security

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